Curb Your Enthusiasm Season Nine in Completion

Graham Craycraft

Curb Your Enthusiasm Season Nine’s finale titled, Fatwa!, ends the show on a brilliant note. Larry David’s hesitation to make this new season left fans wondering as well if it could live up to the other seasons prior. Not only did this season live up to the others, but it far surpassed some as well. Larry’s theme for the new season, getting sentenced with a fatwa by the Ayatollah, was hilarious in itself, but also expertly executed. In classic Larry David fashion, no small mistake or annoying social mannerism could go unnoticed. Watching some of these episodes from season nine I would audibly call out "why can't you just leave it alone?" but always through laughter. Even the amount of ketchup a person uses must be called out.
The plot itself pokes fun and looks a little bit into the life of Salman Rushdie, another man living with a Fatwa, only this one being real. He is forced to run, hide, but eventually breaks out into the world of fatwa sex (so easy that even Larry Long-Balls can make it happen). David also delivers the best and most diverse cast the show has seen with stars like Nick Offerman, Lin Manuel Miranda, and others. David and characters go even further in their hilarity than other seasons which mirrors the later seasons of Seinfeld. Although David did not write anymore for the show until invited back for the series finale, the same cord of jovial excitement is seen in both those last couple seasons of Seinfeld and season nine of Curb. David and crew just seem to be having fun making and acting in the show which makes the audience feel the same way. We are having fun watching it.

The new season is a must see for Curb fans and I doubt anyone would be disappointed. If this is the last season Larry David puts out, it will be an excellent one to end on, but I truly hope there are more. As long as they continue to be funny, I know he will continue to do it. David has said that there is nothing that he does that is more fun than this show. As long as he is having fun, we will as well. And I even learned a few lessons from the season, you don't always have to be a pickle hero, nobody likes an outfit tracker, and if you are a guest in someone's home, always tip toe around a house.


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