The Green Knight- Movie Review
Graham Craycraft The Green Knight is a 2021 movie adapted from a 14th century legend about an Arthurian knight on Christmas day. The movie is directed by David Lowery through the now extremely successful arthouse production company A24. With movies such as Midsommar, The Witch, Uncut Gems, and many more it has become a reputable company worthy of instant respect and consideration for any films they release. Dev Patel plays Sir Gawain, King Arthur’s nephew, who is lost in the shadow of the knights of the round table. He has no reputation and is desperate to prove his worth to his mother, his king, the realm, and himself. The Green Knight is a supernatural figure who offers a game to gathering of royalty and knights. Someone may strike a blow on the knight, but in one year the knight shall return it. If the promise is upheld all will be well, if it is broken, well, the opposite. The plot is very well done and the cast is great. But, like most A24 films, the real magic is in th...