The Platform
Graham Craycraft The Platform (also translated as The Hole ) is the directorial debut of Spanish director Galder Gatztelu-Urrutia. The Netflix Original can be described as a science fiction horror or thriller. The setting is a 200 plus floor vertical prison with a single square hole that travels all the way down the center. There are two prisoners per floor and only a handful of rules. The days are simple for the prisoners. They spend time talking to their cell mate and trying to stay sane and fed. The only catch is that food is sent down the middle of the jail on a levitating platform beginning at level one and descending all the way down. So the prisoners on the top 25 or so floors never go hungry, while the prisoners on the very lowest level are threatened by starvation, or worse. Gatztelu-Urrutia tells the story of societal hierarchies in a blunt and unsubtle way. Prisoners only remain on their floor for one month before being gassed and moved to another floor. So, th...