El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie
Graham Craycraft El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie is the story of Jesse Pinkman’s escape from captivity and journey of out miasma to the final frontier of his life. Aaron Paul and Breaking Bad’s creator Vince Giligan return to create the last leg in the story of Jesse Pinkman. The audience is opened to a brief recap of Breaking Bad and then thrown right into the story of Pinkman’s torture by his captors and run from authorties. In the aftermath of the death of Walter White, the police are going to extreme lengths to capture with what they see as the last piece of the puzzle of America’s largest drug empire. Pinkman moves from place to place with his eyes set on true freedom. Returns from characters such as Badger and Skinny Pete help Jesse reach this goal. This film is dark and gritty while still maintaining a little humor of which fans are familiar. Not much however, because Pinkman has been locked up and brutalized for six months and continues to carry those memories...