Once Upon a Time in Hollywood: Movie Review (No Spoilers)
By Michael Momper There's a reason why Quentin Tarantino's name alone drives throngs of excited moviegoers to the theater when it is associated with any movie. He is certainly on the highest echelon of creative geniuses in Hollywood, writing and directing his own crazy concoctions of violence, kooky characters and twisty action plotlines. Classic movies like Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs and Inglorious Basterds have firmly cemented his place as one of the most well-respected directors alive today, and almost every one of his movies has a large cult following due to the general goofiness and cartoony characters that the man creates. His penchant for witty, wisecracking dialogue is nearly unmatched, and after finishing his latest creation, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you that he plans to only make one more movie after this, bringing his total to ten full-length movies. In the meantime, he has given us 2.5+ hour movie to digest while he gets cracking on a tent...