Graham Craycraft Suburbicon is directed by George Clooney, written by Clooney and the Coen Brothers, and is set in 1959 in the community of Suburbicon which models Anytown USA. The film balances two levels of plot which seems at first to be poorly executed, but on further study and thought it is executed mediocrely. There is a clear cut racial issue of a black family moving into the solely white lived community of Suburbicon. Matt Damon’s character, Gardner Lodge, and his family deal with the tragedy of losing his wife to violent criminals and those criminals are also looked into with some detail. Clooney’s different plot channels would be better suited to separate movies. He weakly, or absently, mixes in the race issue with the study of the Lodge’s family. They only work together in a few scenes which I’ll let you get to on your own as they would spoil some level of the movie. With great acting and one well thought out storyline Suburbicon is a good movie. Damon, who ...